1547 – Not a Bite

Not a Bite
Still better than a day at school or work.

Going Fishing

I wanted to go fishing
I knew the perfect place.
I brought my boat and paddle
and life vest just in case.

I brought three kinds of sunscreen
a multitude of hooks
(in case the fish weren’t biting,
I also brought some books).

I packed my poles and bobbers,
umbrella, and a map,
a net, some line, a stringer,
and lucky fishing cap.

I wanted to go fishing
but fishing’s not so great
when you’ve brought all you needed
except, alas, the bait.

Author: Samuel Kent

I'm a dad who wants to share his labor of love with the world. I also happen to be an award-winning artist and poet. Follow the lunchbox doodles and poems on twitter: @LunchboxDoodler!

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