1421 – Oatmeal Fight

Oatmeal Fight
So many questions: where do I get a bowl that big? What flavor is it? Who’s going to clean it up?


I’d rather eat a pound of cheese
than one more bowl of oatmeal,
or honey made by buzzing bees
than one more bowl of oatmeal,
or twenty cans of navy beans,
or half-a-dozen tangerines.
I’d even rather slurp sardines
than one more bowl of oatmeal.

I’d rather sip potato soup
than one more bowl of oatmeal,
or roasted peanuts by the scoop
than one more bowl of oatmeal.
I’d rather bite a sour lime
’cause after the ten-millionth time
old oatmeal starts to look like slime.
How I despise you, oatmeal.

I’d rather eat a pumpkin pie
than one more bowl of oatmeal,
or sauerkraut on Jewish rye
than one more bowl of oatmeal.
Yes, I’d prefer a chocolate shake,
or pickled beets or birthday cake,
but all that I know how to make
is lumpy, bumpy oatmeal.

How would you color today’s doodle? Send yours to me on twitter at @LunchboxDoodler to be shared with my followers!

Author: Samuel Kent

I'm a dad who wants to share his labor of love with the world. I also happen to be an award-winning artist and poet. Follow the lunchbox doodles and poems on twitter: @LunchboxDoodler!

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