#674 – Will the Writer

Will the Writer
Realy will? Even my bone?

Will the Writer

Beware of Will the Writer.
A wily worm he is.
He writes his name on anything
then claims that it is his.

He waits ’till no one’s watching
but every now and then,
I’ve seen him write “belongs to Will”
with Willie’s poison pen.

“I’m property of Willie”
is written on the wall.
“Don’t play with this, for it is Will’s”
is written on my ball.

There’s little proof Will did it,
but still, I have a hunch
he stole my sack of scrumptious snacks
by writing “William’s Lunch”

So if you see him coming,
make sure you don’t stand still,
or else he’ll write his name on you
and you’ll belong to Will.

Author: Samuel Kent

I'm a dad who wants to share his labor of love with the world. I also happen to be an award-winning artist and poet. Follow the lunchbox doodles and poems on twitter: @LunchboxDoodler!

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