1323 – My Potion

My Potion
Scientific success can be measured in many ways. Size of the boom, for example.

Chemistry Set

For Christmas someone gave to me
a set to teach me Chemistry
with tubes to measure, stirring sticks,
and lots of chemicals to mix.
Some mixtures glowed, and some grew hot
and others didn’t do a lot
and so I found it much more fun
to mix up each and every one.
A pinch of that a splash of this
made chemicals that foam and hiss
A drop of this a drip of that;
they made a noise like “sploot split splat!”
Perhaps no knowledge I had gained,
but surely I was entertained
until the mix destroyed the floor.
Now I don’t do that anymore.

Author: Samuel Kent

I'm a dad who wants to share his labor of love with the world. I also happen to be an award-winning artist and poet. Follow the lunchbox doodles and poems on twitter: @LunchboxDoodler!

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