I wrote a poem about this one ages ago entitled “Creepy Crawly Ball”. Today, the poem finally inspired a doodle.
Here’s the original poem:
Oh, come one, come one and all
to the creepy crawly ball
to dance the night away with bugs and pests.
It’s the bug black tie affair—
all the insects will be there—
You’re wanted as the little life forms’ guests.Join in with all the critters
that shimmy, shake, and jitter,
or trip the light fantastic with some fleas.
When midnight fast approaches,
go square-dance with the roaches
as spiders strum the banjos on their knees.It’s a sight to make you grin,
watching rolley-polleys spin
while orchestras of crickets chirp and tweet.
Mambo with a millipede,
but don’t try to take the lead,
or else he’ll step step step upon your feet.See the creatures on parade
at this buggy masquerade
as every bug arrives from far and near.
So put on your finest clothes,
but be mindful of your toes,
or else they won’t invite you back next year.