1429 – Santa Claws

Santa Claws
Personally, I’d have asked for a herbivore, but that’s just me.

Dinosaur for Christmas

Forget the games, forget the bike –
Those other gifts can take a hike.
There’s only one thing I would like:
a dinosaur for Christmas.

Some kids want toys, but I do not,
and I’m not asking for a lot;
just let me be the kid who got
a dinosaur for Christmas.

Inside my bedroom he can stay,
and we’ll be quiet when we play…
he’ll only eat one ton a day,
the dinosaur for Christmas.

I’ll find the tree with him beneath,
a-munching on our Christmas wreath…
so full of love (and full of teeth)
my dinosaur for Christmas.

How would you color today’s doodle? Send yours to me on twitter at @LunchboxDoodler to be shared with my followers!