My Classmates are Zombies
At first, there was one, and then two, and then four.
Their numbers quadrupled, quintupled and more,
and now I’m alone, and it’s hard to ignore
that the rest of my classmates are zombies.The principal, teachers, and even the nurse
accepted this sad, supernatural curse,
and wow, the gymnasium’s never smelled worse
now the rest of my classmates are zombies.No logic, no science, no nothing explains
how I’m – uninfected – the last who remains,
nor why does the lunchroom keep serving us brains,
or the rest of my classmates are zombies?So do I keep fighting, or do I succumb
to putrid peer pressure until I’ve become
as painfully aimless and brainlessly dumb?
No, the rest of my classmates are zombies.With every last egghead a fatuous fool,
and every last genius a gibbering ghoul,
it’s nice, for a change, being smartest in school
since the rest of my classmates are zombies.
How would you color today’s doodle? Do your best and send it to me on twitter at @LunchboxDoodler!