Cut my Hair
It grows at an alarming pace
and dangles well beyond my face.
It truly is my mane disgrace:
I think it’s time that I should cut my hair.I’ve tried it in a dozen styles.
They only seem like dunes and piles
of hairs that flow for miles and miles.
I think it’s time that I should cut my hair.Don’t ever long for locks like mine:
these lanky, loopy twists of twine
that sprout like creeping kudzu vine.
I think it’s time that I should cut my hair.I chopped it off, but sad to say,
it only looks much worse this way,
and Wednesday is school picture day.
I really wish I hadn’t cut my hair.
The full title of this doodle is “We Can Tell It’s a Wig”. Nods to Zooey Deschanel’s beautiful bangs are entirely intentional.