We’re Crazy Here
We’re crazy here, or don’t you know…
a bag of mixed-up nuts.
Ridiculous from head to toe
and even in our guts.
We’re batty, goofy lunatics;
both kooky and cuckoo.
We’re crazy here, and glad to say
that you are crazy too.
Last week I held a contest for twitter followers. At the end of the week, I tallied up the folks who followed me and re-tweeted doodles or poems. Then (no joke) I wrote a program to randomly pick one. While that’s a bit of an over-simplification of my randomizing program, the winner was one Sara-Jane Walsh, a Seattle area author and storyteller. If you’re into children’s literature, you really ought to check out her website.
Sara-Jane’s request was essentially, a Mad Hatter style tea party – possibly with a rag doll – and with Samuel Kent style thrown in the mix. I think I got close; that was a lot to fit into a 3 x 5 index card. I hope you like it, Sara-Jane! It’s in the mail!