Stir the Pot
I’ve got something yummy brewing
(stir the pot, stir the pot)
A concoction I’m pursuing
(What’s it got? What’s it got?)
now it’s simmering and stewing
(piping hot, piping hot)
This slumgullion I’m debuting
(makes a lot, makes a lot)Packed with plenty of potater
(mighty neat, mighty neat)
Top it off with ripe tomater
(what a treat, what a treat)
Yellow onions go in later
(can’t be beat, can’t be beat)
I’m a mighty proud creator
(Time to eat, time to eat!)It ain’t ready for your belly
(just a sec, just a sec)
Till you add a scoop of jelly
(what the heck? what the heck?)
And some slimy vermicelli
(yucky, bleck, yucky, bleck)
Makes it extra special smelly
(it’s a wreck, it’s a wreck)This divine amalgamation
(poison pot, poison pot)
It deserves your admiration
(smells of rot, smells of rot)
And by every calculation
(looks like snot, looks like snot)
It’s a super soup sensation
(maybe not, maybe not)
Special mention goes to my girlfriend, for the recommendation of “slumgullion” as a challenge word.
Want to challenge me with a vocabulary word? Leave it in the comments below and if I use it in a poem, I’ll mention you and link to your site & twitter handle in an upcoming post!