Ocean of Books
There’s an ocean of books around me
stretching out for as far as I see.
It’s as deep and as wide as can be.
I am lost in an ocean of books.Past the poems and novels I spy
waves of words and of writing roll by
through the stories in endless supply,
all a part of this ocean of books.With these limitless volumes about,
I am trapped and I don’t have a doubt
that I’ll just have to read my way out
of this ongoing ocean of books.There’s an ocean of books around me
stretching out for as far as I see.
It’s the best thing that’s happened to me;
being lost in this ocean of books.
Andrew goes back to school today. Since it’s the end of a long weekend for him, I thought I’d make his day a little brighter with a dog drawing since those are always his favorite. Side note: this one didn’t make it back home, and Andrew was devastated.