I recently made the aquaintence of Amy Ludwig VanDerwater, a talented children’s author and dedicated educator living in Holland, New York. We met through recent Friday poetry roundups and other Twitter connections like Kenn Nesbitt. I’ve enjoyed reading her pastoral, euphonious poems, and encourage you to visit her site, read for yourself, and pick up her new book arriving in 2013.
Ms. VanDerwater asked me in a twitter conversation if I would be willing to do a doodle for her. I believe that her intention is to write something to correspond to the drawing, and I was delighted that she even asked.
Ms. VanDerwater, I hope you enjoy this!
Samuel! I love this joyful doodle, and it makes me think of everything I adore about fall. Thank you very much for your generosity, for including me in your doodle ring. My wheels are clicking away here, imagining the possibilities. Many many thanks! I’ll be in touch with a poem soon….a.