“Don’t Let Go”
At the fair, late last June
mother bought me a balloon
and she warned me to hold tight and, “don’t let go.”
And so tight did I cling
holding firmly to its string,
but about that time the wind began to blow.And it blew me away,
Now I’m floating to this day
over every mountain, valley, lake and hill.
“Don’t let go,” mother said,
“of the tiny little thread,”
and until the day I land, I never will.
Special note: this poem, or another draft of it, was one of the first poems I published on this blog back in 2010. In fact, the concept for the doodle is the same as well. I thought it might be fun to make a new attempt at both. You can go check out the original here.
How would you color today’s doodle? Send yours to me on twitter at @LunchboxDoodler to be shared with my followers!